Akashic Records Healing Session

What are Akashic Records & how do they help us?

Akashic Records contain everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence—as well as all its future possibilities. This valuable information can help you with any aspect of your life journey. And because the Records are also a dimension of consciousness, they are available anytime and everywhere.

You can use Akashic records to get clarity and healing on issues like:

  • Find your soul purpose in this lifetime and any life changes you need to make
  • Learn the karmic lessons you need to learn in any problem you’re facing in your life
  • Find the guidance and healing for repeated patterns that you see in your life
  • Access the wisdom and guidance of your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones

Kindly note that the Akasha is a multi-dimensional field. You do not need to concern yourself with whether your questions are past life related, or ancestrally related, or anything else. When you ask your questions your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones will bring forward the right information from the correct dimensional time and place. If the origin of the energy in your question is related to your past lives, it will come forward. If the origin of the energy in your question is related to ancestral concerns, it will come forward. It will always be the most appropriate information for you at this point in time. You can trust that.

Mode of session: Over audio-only phone/whatsapp call (no video call)

Duration of session:  Approx. 1 hour

Number of questions you can ask in session – Upto 5

Energy Exchange: INR 4,000/- (USD 60)

Payment Link – Link


After making payment, kindly whatsapp payment screenshot with your full name to +91 7700 953 810. We will call you back to schedule the session.

Terms & Conditions:

Akashic Healing & guidance received in the session does not replace the need for proper medical or professional advice wherever necessary and does not replace the need for common sense and appropriate due diligence in taking life decisions. If you are under treatment for any health condition, please consult with your doctor prior to enrolling for this session. Do not alter/stop your medicines without consulting your doctor. You take full responsibility for the outcome of the session & any actions you take pursuant to the session & do it entirely at your risk & liability. Results can differ from person to person & we cannot provide any guarantee of any specific results from the session. Fee once paid is non-refundable. Penalty of INR 500/- for a) no-show cases or b) re-schedule request received less than 24 hours from the start time of session.

Some Guidelines on how to draft good questions for Akashic sessions:

  • Come up with questions that start with How, What or Why? They will give you the greatest opportunity for shifting.
  • You will receive the greatest benefit from the reading by asking questions about your life now.
  • The focus of all of your questions should be you because we are in YOUR Akashic Records. If you are curious about another individual in your life generate your questions from your point of view, about who they are in your life, why you are together, how you can best support them, what you can do for a more peaceful harmonious relationship, etc.
  • Don’t ask “Yes” or “No” & “When” Type Questions. If you have a question that might elicit a simple yes or no answer, please reframe it using the point above If you have a question about timing such as “When will my partner ask me to marry him/her?” and you are looking for a specific date, the Akashic Records will not go there with you. The Field of the Akasha is a Soul-Level dimension, guiding you to discover your highest potentials and pathways. It is not a substitute for your free will. If you have a timing question, take a moment to think more deeply about your question. What is it you really desire right now in terms of that same topic? Is it reassurance? Confidence? Clarity? Ask about that. Ask about the deeper concern that you have.
  • All of us have patterns in our lives we can’t quite get past no matter how hard we have tried. Asking about those experiences that keep repeating are perfect for the Akashic Records!

Example of good questions: What does my soul need to learn from my heartbreak with so and so person? What is my life purpose in this life? What do I need to learn from my financial problems in this life?

Example of not so good questions: When will I marry XYZ? Should I buy a house right now? What should so and so person do in so and so situation?

Akashic Healing Session instructions

  1. Please set a reminder for our session at your end. I will call you over a normal phone call at the scheduled time.
    • If there is some change in your schedule and you cannot be present in the session, please let me know atleast24 hours before so that we can move the session ahead or agree to do the session in your absence.
    • At the time of the session, find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by other people for around an hour. Keep a pen, writing pad and glass of water ready. Ensure your phone battery is fully charged.
    • Keep a list of your questions or problems that you need guidance ready before our session. Refer my guidelines on how to draft good questions for Akashic sessions. I will ask you to speak them out in the session. If there is something confidential, you are free not to share with me.
    • You can record our session or make notes at your end during the session as per your preference. Please test and check the voice recording app at your end and/or keep a pen and notepad at your end before the session. If you ask me, I will also record the session and send you an mp3 file after the session at no extra cost however it is completely optional and I do not provide any guarantee that recording will be perfect in all cases. Hence, I highly advise that if you need recording, you record the session at your end also.
    • Once the reading is over, do something to ground yourself. Have a glass of water or go for a walk, as you find comfortable.

Other points on Akashic Healing Session

• Akashic guidance works on a very deep karmic and soul level and there is no assurance that you will get the answers as per your conscious mind’s expectations. Your Masters will share only that information which is for your soul’s highest good to know and digest at this moment. In many cases, it takes some hours or days for the shifts in consciousness to happen and energy of dense emotions to be released and healed. Hence, having an open mind and faith is very important for the healing to work successfully.
• Akashic reading is a very delicate process. In rare cases, my Masters may advise me that doing a reading at this time is not in your Highest Good. In such cases, I have the right to not move ahead with your session and will refund your fees.
• Akashic guidance works best for open-ended questions and works least for yes/no or “when” type questions or asking questions for others. Please read the guidelines for drafting questions for the Akashic session before booking the session.
• You get healed by the Light of Akashic energy during the session and to some extent after the session as per your soul requirement causing shifts in your consciousness. In some cases, you may feel a bit sleepy, get some sensations, have visions, or nothing at all. Please note that every experience is fine and the healing works at a deep level in all cases. You can just sit, meditate, walk around, do your work or sleep during the reading as you find convenient. It will not impact the healing session.
• Many a times the healing is not evident during the session and the shifts in consciousness takes place after the session. You may get emotions like sadness etc. during or after the session – that is completely fine. Just be a witness to it and let them pass. It is highly advised to reflect on the reading and journal your feelings and emotions every day for a few days after the session.
• If for some reason you cannot attend the session, you can send me a brief description of your problem/questions in advance over WhatsApp prior to our call. I will do the healing session at the scheduled time and send you the recording of the guidance received.

Any questions or clarifications, WhatsApp on +91 7700 953 810.

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